Android App Development

Android app creation is one of the top services offered by ITCLAS, an app development company in the UK. The professionals use the tools to help you create an app that may be featured on the Play Store and provides updates about your services and products to the targeted audience. Tools like Android Studio, Dagger2, SQLite, and others are used by specialists. The experts at ITCLAS, the Best App Design Company in London assist you in creating user-friendly apps and take the app's loading time into account. 80% of those who use smartphones do so with Android apps most of the time.

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Tools For Android App Development

There are professionals in Java, Katlin, C/C++, C#, and Corona on the team of the top android app development company in London. These professionals have experience and knowledge in app testing, revamping, and design. Our apps frequently appear on the Play Store thanks to these professionals.

Android Studio

Android studio is IDE integrated development environment for developing versatile android apps. It’s utilized with editor tools to have impressive UI for android applications. This is one of the most reliable and favored tool for building of local android applications.


Android SDK is the tool having group of adds on for the development of android applications. It gathers libraries, debugger, emulator, sample source code, and tutorials.

Android SDK

Android SDK is the tool having group of adds on for the development of android applications. It gathers libraries, debugger, emulator, sample source code, and tutorials.


It’s static foundation which the developers use for java and android as well. This is the tool used to govern the reliance and to aid in developing applications with more user-friendly and customized options.

Android Auto

This tool clarify the serialization of data. This also defines API response to make app quick and effortless. It’s designed for android and Java as well.


It is the most commonly used tool by the app developers. Firebase gives you backend as a service. It just rhyme the data among the client and the cloud storage on firebase. And you can make changes while developing cross-platform apps for android platforms.